Packing Data 

Christy and callers come out of the cave to work on how to store their data.

Call anytime! 775-241-3571


  1. Robert and making folders. Sometimes it is less painful just to reinstall Windows. Robert got an SSD to make the reinstall worthwhile.
  2. Steven has an SSD that is filling up and needs to move his user libraries to his larger spinning Hard Drive.


“Maze of Twisty Little Passages, All Alike”

“I Died in St. Louis” 

“A Lot of Horn Tooting for Not A Lot of Parade”

“You Don’t Know Where It’s Been” 





Insider Channel

Windows Pro users can get features before they are Generally Available by being a Windows “Insider” with the options of Dev, Beta, or Release Preview.


One way to create a new folder on your desktop in Windows.

User Profile

Collection of settings and information associated with a user. Desktop settings, passwords, along with preferences are stored for each user.


Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology reveals the health of the hard drive.

Wipe and Reload

Removing all the programs, data, passwords, etc and set the system back to factory fresh blank OS status. Backup anything you want to save!


Solid State Drive. A storage medium that replaces spinning disk Hard Drives with faster memory based storage without moving parts.


Global Unique Identifier, also UUID Universally Unique Identifier. Use to label database keys, filenames, or resources.

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG



Click for More Info


BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.

Third Half of
Studio C-5 

Christy and Joe welcome callers Cheryl, Carolyn, and Robert

Call anytime! 775-241-3571 and set up a time to battle your tech!


  1. Cheryl and Facebook Follies
  2. Caroline adds a third display
  3. Robert Print Screen key wrestling

“Third Half of Studio C-5”

“I Don’t Want to Weaponize Battle Born Tech” 

“We Will Light Candles, Say Prayers, and Do Some Celtic Rituals”

“Welcome to Facebook Follies” 

“If One Way Doesn’t Work, Try Another Way”

“Print Screen is the Orphan of the Windows Command Keys” 







You can send message with Telegram App, but Telegrams via Western Union ended in 2006.

2FA (Two Factor Authentication)

Two factor authentication requires to sources of information (such as a password and a code via text) to gain access to a service.


A video cable that mirrors or duplicates a screen display. Same information on both screens.

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG



Measuring the Web

Christy and Joe welcome callers Katie, and Bette.

Call anytime! 775-241-3571 and set up a time to battle your tech!


  1. Katie asks about the Epic security breach.
  2. Bette isn’t sure about putting apps on her phone.

“Audio Hesitant”


“Remember Popsicle Sticks?” 


“Four Things You Need to Get A Website Up…Well, Three.”






A chat app on the Apple iOS that recently allowed Android users to participate by opening a link on their phone’s Chrome browser sent by an iOS Facetime user. No App is available for Android at this time. More at howtogeek


A group of hacktivists (computer using activists) that are informally link together for cyberattacks against government, organizations, or companies exposing activities the disapproved by the group.


A Internet Service company that hosts internet services that other providers decline to serve due to their controversial or harmful content. Ron Monster is CEO


A provider of the “human name” for websites which are aliases for groups of numbers that specify a server where the website is stored.


Domain Name service, the “yellow pages” that keeps track of all the website names registered by Registars and the actual IP addresses they point to.

Side Load

Putting apps on your device without using the official store or procedures of the phone’s operating system provider.

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG




BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.


Due to technical surprises, July 6th was a repeat of our June 27th show. 

Memos will be circulated, emails replied to all,  policies reviewed, meetings held, Zoom invites sent, servers rebooted, computers replaced and we will be back next week at 8 PM Pacific.



Texts between Christy and Joe Tuesday, July 6, 8 PM


“Whoops. Playing last week.” 


“Well, it could be dead air.” 


Battle Born Tech KNVC
Next Week?

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG



Click for More Info


BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.

Keeping on Top of Scams

Christy and callers battle tech scams, buried windows, and wet iPhones. Call us! 775-241-3571

  1. Robert and keeping windows tip top.
  2. Rachel and the wet iPhone. Rachel used the product link at left for Silica Gel.
  3. Jamye deals with scam callers. (No, you DIDN’T win a prize. Don’t give out information to ANYONE who calls you.)


“They Spend Their Whole Day Figuring Out How To Scam You. We Have Other Things To Do.”

“If You Follow the Star…Your Dreams Will Not Come True” 

“We Battle the Tech Better When We Battle Together” “






Store or accessed via the internet on someone else’s computer (Amazon, Google, Microsoft)


Plain Old Telephone Service. Voice service over copper phone lines; a dial tone.

4×3 vs. 16×9

Squarish monitors verses rectangular monitor


Trusted Program Module. A dedicated memory section that stores the security cryptographic keys that makes Secure Boot possible. This prevents malware from sneaking in before the Operating System fully loads.

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG



Click for More Info


BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.

Facing Prime 

Christy and callers talk Amazon Prime Day, silent HDMI,  and Ghost Facebook. Call us! 775-241-3571


  1. Robert getting HDMI to work by reducing resolution. Note: Could be a low quality cable but this usually shows up as poor video.
  2. Bryon mouse jumps monitors
  3. Vern reports his own unwanted profile on Facebook. 


Changing Monitor Position to Match Physical Location

When Logged into Facebook

check your Privacy Settings





Watching an entire season or several episodes of a TV show back to back.


Trying to isolate a faulty part by swapping known good parts until the problem is solved. (one definition)

Prime Day

Amazon (and no other online retailers) have special sale days in the summer.


“It’s All Like Plumbing” 

“Friends and Family; but I hope they go away” 

“Don’t Make Anything Public on Facebook…We Can Have Nice Things Anymore” 

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG



Throwing Packets In the Air

Christy and callers talk about improving presence on online meetings, flying phones, screensavers, MSNews barnacles on the toolbar and the computer that refused to stand down! Call us! 775-241-3571


  1. Robert/Bob calls about being many screens at once with Microsoft Teams.
  2. Jan and cell phones on a plane
  3. Ron startup is too fast due to no shutdown on Windows.

There is an option on the toolbar menu to Reduce Taskbar Updates to save bandwidth when using News and Interests.


 Screen Saver

ReallySlick ScreenSaver
Flock Option






How much data you can upload or download at one time.


When your voice gets twangy because you don’t have enough Bandwidth. Thanks Anthony.


When your voice gets twangy because you don’t have enough Bandwith.


“Wifi is a bunch of packets that get thrown out” 

“Kinda of cheating but I guess it works” 

“Job security – the more confusing the more job security.” 

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG



Click for More Info


BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.

Zero Zeros

Christy talks rotary phones, bulging batteries, Windows II, FBI pickpocketing cyberwallet of ransomware hackers, Apple settings mysteries, and Zooming in person with others. Call us! 775-241-3571


  1. Jan and Marvin have a narrow escape? from an battery charges
  2. Pam tries to change the WiFi password on a Mac
  3. Cher with Zoom and in person meeting challenges.
Rotary Dial Phone
Took almost a full clockwise  spin of the dial wheel to get those zeros registered on rotary phones

“Swollen Batteries Are Not Swell” 

“Catch on Fire or Explore-Those Are Bad Things” 

“A Very Valuable Conversation” 

“There Is No Right Click on The Mac” 





Criminals send emails that when clicked copy and then encrypted a company’s files and demand payment to restore the data and destroy the stolen data.

Pancake PZM Microphones

Pressure Zoom Microphone These are are flat microphones that pickup all the voices and sounds around it.

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG



Click for More Info


BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.

RickRolling Until We’re Blue

Encore of our
June 16, 2020 show.

Christy talks to Rachel as she tries on blue blockers. Marilyn wonders how to get her iPad working or replaced and gets a third option to solve her problem.  Call us! 775-241-3571


“We Know the Tech Game and We Are Going to Play It” 

“Promises Not to rickroll is one of the major parts of rickrolling” 




L33T Speak

Messages that include words where numbers are substituted for letters or words

Rick Roll

Substituting links to the video Never Going To Give You Up a 1989 video by Rick Ashley for almost any link peeking in 2008.

Battle Born Tech KNVC
June 1, 2021
(from June 16, 2020)

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG




Click for More Info


BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.

Linux Help You

Christy and Joe asks for Linux calls and discuss SIM card changes, network switches, not horse switches, wrong track, and moving Outlook contacts,  Call us! 775-241-3571


  1. Bette is lead through her crackling calls via a SIM upgrade
  2.  Robert extending network wires. A router isn’t a true firewall. It only isolates devices and stops unsolicited network traffic. You can still need a firewall to protect users from directed attacks
  3. Adriane needs .PST to move information in Outlook. OST files are now used to hold a local copy of what is on the email server

“Linux Help You” 

“Comes in a Big Package but It Is A Small Thing” 

“People Are Running Out Right Now to Change Their Carrier” 

“Solid Test Showing You Are Not Married: Network Cable Running Down the Hall” 

“SIM Tray Opening Tool: Looks Like A Paper Clip With A Stinger” 




SIM Card

Subscriber Identification Module. A memory card containing a phone’s identification for cell phone network access.


Set of rules and policies that protect network devices from attacks by inspecting and blocking incoming traffic


Network Address Translations. Not really a Firewall. Isolates but doesn’t fully protect from attackers

OST/PST files

OST are back! They are used as offline storage for messages in IMAP accounts PST files are used as described for POP accounts and backup.


Internet Mail Access Protocol. Preferred and common method of keeping emails synch on a server and accessing them on several devices or via the web


Post Office Protocol a basic method of downloading email to a single machine and working with emails offline

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG

