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BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.

Zero Zeros

Christy talks rotary phones, bulging batteries, Windows II, FBI pickpocketing cyberwallet of ransomware hackers, Apple settings mysteries, and Zooming in person with others. Call us! 775-241-3571


  1. Jan and Marvin have a narrow escape? from an battery charges
  2. Pam tries to change the WiFi password on a Mac
  3. Cher with Zoom and in person meeting challenges.
Rotary Dial Phone
Took almost a full clockwise  spin of the dial wheel to get those zeros registered on rotary phones

“Swollen Batteries Are Not Swell” 

“Catch on Fire or Explore-Those Are Bad Things” 

“A Very Valuable Conversation” 

“There Is No Right Click on The Mac” 





Criminals send emails that when clicked copy and then encrypted a company’s files and demand payment to restore the data and destroy the stolen data.

Pancake PZM Microphones

Pressure Zoom Microphone These are are flat microphones that pickup all the voices and sounds around it.

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG




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BBT from 2020

Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows

Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.

RickRolling Until We’re Blue

Encore of our
June 16, 2020 show.

Christy talks to Rachel as she tries on blue blockers. Marilyn wonders how to get her iPad working or replaced and gets a third option to solve her problem.  Call us! 775-241-3571


“We Know the Tech Game and We Are Going to Play It” 

“Promises Not to rickroll is one of the major parts of rickrolling” 




L33T Speak

Messages that include words where numbers are substituted for letters or words

Rick Roll

Substituting links to the video Never Going To Give You Up a 1989 video by Rick Ashley for almost any link peeking in 2008.

Battle Born Tech KNVC
June 1, 2021
(from June 16, 2020)

Audio Player

Epoch Time Converter

Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific 95.1 FM

Streaming LIVE and on-demand at KNVC.ORG


