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- OnlyFans NSFW
- BatteryPacks
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- Jitsi Video Meetings
- The Imitation Game Alan Turing movie
- Eliza, the Rogerian Therapist
BBT from 2020
Has High Quality Recordings of Our Shows
Breakmaster Cylinder composed and performs our theme music.
Powering Up
Christy and Joe welcome callers Rachel, Luke, and Verne
Call anytime! 775-241-3571 and set up a time to battle your tech!
- Rachel and updating her iPhone 6s
- Luke and the notebook that quits.
- Verne not getting all his Gmail screen real estate.
“Keep the Old Tech Rolling Along”
“Hot Machine has a Different Meaning in Las Vegas”
“Stay Cool Luke”
Thermal Paste
Special material to get CPU closely connected to the Heat Sink that dries out and loses its efficiency with age sometimes causing overheating.
Completely Automated Public Turning test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Presents images (usually) that are hard from computers to recognize but easy for humans.
Turing Test
Originally called “The Imitation Game” it is a measure of how well a machine is able to exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from a human.
Battle Born Tech KNVC
August 30, 2021
Audio Player