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- CNBC on Fake Reviews
- Fakespot
BBT from 2020
ZOOM Classic & Pandemic
Christy, Joe, and callers talk about backup, classic ZOOM, three parallel lines (or the “hamburger” icon), and ZOOM 2021, with a side trip to Amazon ratings. (Which we got wrong.)
- Ozzie with a different ZOOM issue…NOT dealing with an online meeting!
- Sue wants a document camera for ZOOM meetings.
Whoops. Turns out the number of reviews is no longer a good metric for trustworthiness. It fact the opposite! See CNBC report (11:50) & Fakespot at left. We’ll revisit.
“Cranky Christy”
“Always Wait for Backup”
Malware that slips into the computer before the operating system and hides from it.
What you Need to be online or run your business plus one more.
Document Camera
Hi-Tech Overhead Projector for computer